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How to Grow Celery in Zone 3

Writer: Krista GreenKrista Green

Updated: May 27, 2023

Growing celery in your zone 3 garden is something you may not have considered before. For whatever the reason, celery is not commonly found in most backyard vegetable gardens. This is likely due to the fact that celery seeds need to be started indoors 10 to 12 weeks prior to transplanting the seedlings outside. Celery is a water loving, heavy feeder, cool weather crop. With a little effort you can add this versatile vegetable to your vegetable garden portfolio.

Celery harvested and laying in a basket, grown in a raised bed vegetable garden in zone 3 Calgary Alberta.
Tango celery harvested from my 2021 garden.

Planting Celery Seeds Indoors

A key to growing celery successfully is starting celery seeds indoors early in the year. Plant your celery seeds 10 to 14 weeks before your last expected frost. I am near Calgary, Alberta and I like to seed my celery between February 14th and 21st. It is important to keep notes on seeds you start indoors and adjust starting dates each year to your growing conditions and ideal plant maturity by your last frost date. Print out my full seed starting guide for Alberta here.

Sprinkle celery seeds on top of the warm, moist soil of a shallow container. Last year I covered some of my celery seeds with 1/8 in. of soil and they did not germinate well. I did a second seeding and did not cover the seeds with any soil and had great germination results. From this experience I suggest leaving the seeds on the surface of the soil and gently pressing them into the soil for best germination. Always water seeds gently after planting. Leave your celery seeds in a place where they will be exposed to light during the day.

Celery seeds are slow to germinate and take anywhere from 10 to 21 days to sprout. Transplant celery seedlings into plugs when they are 1.5 to 2 inches tall. Transplant to just below the bottom of the first leaf. I find celery seedlings look spindly and weak for the first two months, and then suddenly will start filling out. Don't be worried if they don't look like much for the first while. This is normal.

Decrease water for celery seedlings in the week prior to planting them out in your garden.

Growing celery seeds indoors in plugs in gardening zone 3 Calgary Alberta.
Celery in plugs growing indoors. Keep an eye out for aphids on celery plants.

Last year I grew Tango celery from West Coast Seeds and despite the fact that I didn't water it enough and it ended up being a bit spongy, was very pleased with the outcome. This year I have ordered Merengo and Tango celery seeds from William Dam.

A person holding a celery seedling in a pot in her greenhouse in zone 3 Calgary Alberta.
Me with my celery seedlings. Transplanting from plugs to 2.5 inch pots.

Planting Celery Seedlings Outside

Be careful when hardening off celery seedlings as more than about 9 nights in a row with temperatures below 12⁰C (55⁰F) can cause bolting. Transplant celery outdoors after your last expected frost. (For most of us in Alberta this will mean planting celery outdoors around May 24th.) At this point your celery should be about 2.5 inches tall. Celery planting distance should be between 8 to 12 inches apart.

Planting celery seedlings in a raised bed vegetable garden in gardening zone 3 Calgary Alberta Canada.
Planting celery starts into my garden in May

Best Conditions for Growing Celery

The ideal soil pH for growing celery is between 6.0 and 6.5. Celery is a heavy feeder and thrives in rich moist soil. Wild celery grows in swampy areas. Consider the wettest area of your garden for planting your celery in. Celery grows well in an area that receives afternoon shade. Too much heat and dry soil will cause celery stalks to go from thick and juicy to soft and spongy.

Growing celery in a raised bed vegetable garden in gardening zone 3 Calgary Alberta Canada.
Celery growing in my raised bed vegetable garden.

Planting Celery in Containers

Because celery has shallow roots, it can easily be grown in containers. When planting celery in containers, ensure there is sufficient spacing (8 to 12 inches between plants) and that you can maintain even moisture of the soil.

Hilling Celery

If your celery is not labeled "self blanching" you will want to hill around the base of your celery plant when it is around 6 to 8 inches tall to obtain a crisp, white base. Because celery is a heavy feeder, it is beneficial to use compost for hilling celery. Hill up the base of the plant 2 inches high and hill again 2 to 3 weeks later adding another 2 inches for a total of 4in.

Celery can be tied as it grows to keep the plant in a nice compact bunch.

Harvesting Celery

Celery can be harvested 1 stalk at a time around 6 weeks after transplanting. Pull stalks off the outside of the plant as needed for your household.

Don't wait too long until celery plants are mature before harvesting the whole plant or they may become bitter and spongy. Trim off roots after harvesting and store in the fridge, or chop and freeze for winter soups and stock. I like to keep the leaves along with the stalks as the celery leaves are also great for soup and stock.

Harvesting celery stalks one at a time as needed to use in cooking from my backyard zone 3 vegetable garden in Calgary Alberta Canada.
Harvesting celery stalks along with a few other garden veggies to add to a stir fry.

Celery Companion Plants

Companion plants for celery include beans, brassicas, chives, leeks, nasturtiums, spinach, and tomatoes. Avoid planting near carrots and parsnips.

Print out my free companion planting guide for zone easy reference.

Celery Crop Rotation

Consider planting celery in last years brassica, pea, or onion space for healthy crop rotation.


If you have found this article helpful and would like to see more gardening tips and tricks, subscribe to my blog (the bottom of the home page) and follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and/or YouTube!

Celery harvested from a backyard raised bed vegetable garden in gardening zone 3 Calgary Alberta with the words "a step-by-step guide to growing celery".

The words "A guide to growing celery from seed" with a celery seedling and celery stalks in the background.

Words "the ultimate guide to growing celery" with celery growing in a raised bed vegetable garden as well as celery stalks shown in the photos.


Feb 12, 2022

Lots of great information. Thanks!

Krista Green
Krista Green
Feb 12, 2022
Replying to

So glad you enjoyed it!


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